Introduce, Train, Master, Repeat.
Dia-Beat it! Educational Foundation is a free program designed to spread awareness and education on the concept of diabetes in schools and medical institutions all across the nation.
Dia-Beat it! was started by Johnston High School Sophomore Aarushi Gupta and Valley High School Junior Neha Bhargava in 2020.

What is the
Dia-Beat it! Program?
Dia-Beat it! is a free program that spreads awareness by educating middle and high schoolers on diabetes. The program was started by two high school students.
Dia-Beat it! runs in 5 video sessions, each about 15 minutes long. These sessions are virtual, and adaptable to hybrid or online schedules. (Learn More About Dia-Beat it! in the Pandemic). These sessions include an engaging animated intro, a short but informative lesson, a quick message from us, a quizziz, and, depending on the session, a handout, an in-video quiz, or a relay.
Why Dia-Beat it?
The Team
Dia-Beat it! is run by two high schoolers - no one else. We genuinely care about spreading education and awareness, and aren't affiliated with any larger organization, business, or consultant. Dia-Beat it! was not started for a school or extracurricular project; it is an original organization in its own right, with a passion unlike any other.

Aarushi Gupta
Co-Founder and Current Executive Director
is a 12th Grader at Johnston High. She's working towards a career in healthcare and loves to play guitar, and paint.

Drake Luong
Drake Luong Is an 11th grader at Valley High. He’s working towards a career in medicine and plans on being a surgeon. He loves to travel, read, and play tennis.
Neha Bhargava
is a University student. She is one of the original co-founders of Dia-Beat it! She's working towards a career in science and loves to dance, figure skate, and coach figure skating.

Adam Strahorn
Is a senior at Johnston High School. He is working towards a career in environmental science and loves to spend time with friends and be outside.
Anuj B.
owns a research company. He helped us find our other two mentors and make connections with experts!
Courtney S.
is a nutrition specialist. She helped us develop a curriculum and helped us build an academically efficient framework!
Greg R.
has diabetes, and once ran a diabetes program. He also helped us with curriculum and framework!
Although we aren't affiliated woth any larger group, we still received help from our mentors, who have helped us with things ranging from curriculum framework to expert and specialist collaboration.

Now that you know all about us, we'd like to get to know you! Click 'Join Us Now' to have the program implemented free at your school, or click the links below to learn even more!